The world is at war again.
There is much to be glad about - this time, we are not raining bullets and fire on each other; this war poses challenges we have not seen in nearly a century.
An unseen enemy. An enemy that could be within you or me - without us knowing it. An enemy that stalks and hunts without the need to rest.
One that needs no resources to build weapons - whose armies grow in number each moment.
The world is at war again - against an invisible enemy, the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Unlike the wars we start ourselves, there are no treaties of peace, and - on the surface - our soldiers seem be those that carry stethoscopes instead of weapons, wearing plastic face-shields and gloves instead of body armour.

You see them crying out for help in your Facebook feed. For backup. We are the backup. You and I.
We will fight this war with no training or weapons save the will to ride out the storm at home. Let the streets be empty. The malls filled only with echoes.
Let’s lay siege to COVID-19.
Title image : menafn.com (March 19,2020) - Medical soldiers combat COVID-19