a bit about me:
Each morning we get out of bed and go out into the world. We walk, run, jump, drive or fly from one thing to another trying to make our mark in this thing we call life.
Yet we sometimes forget what makes life possible. The feet that carry us to the morning market or to the ends of the earth; the fingers we use to scratch an itch, to sign a cheque or to caress the face of one whom we love.
Some say that the hands and feet are an extension of our brain. What I do know is when they don't work properly, the whole being suffers.
Orthopaedics is the science (and art) of treating diseases of the bones and joints, and I love my art because it lets me see the smile of a wheelchair bound grandmother who can take her grandchild for a walk again; the twinkle in the eye of the little boy with newly straightened knees who can now run and play.
"God heals, we help" - as a boy visiting a relative, I saw that written on a sign in a hospital in my hometown. As a surgeon I am reminded every day that it is absolute truth.
We are privileged to help our patients heal themselves. The journey to recovery can be straight and short, but sometimes it can be an epic quest. We are but guides on this road.
One thing is for certain- we were given life for a purpose.