Many of my patients plop a bagful of pills on my desk with a barrage of questions.
It's always a joy to answer questions, but COVID-19 means that many patients aren't able to drop into our clinics as frequently as they would like. And so for them - and for the ever curious - this short series was born.
In it, I try to address some of the more common questions my patients seem to ask me in the Orthopaedic clinic.
I deal mainly with people who have joint problems, aches and pains of the upper and lower limbs and spine - in addition to broken and cracked bones. So, I will focus on medicines we use in treating these problems. But, if you have questions about other medicines, I will do my best to address them
. Always remember - medicine is an evolving science. Things change with time. This information is meant for you to better understand the medications you are prescribed. Because medicines can have side effects, especially when mixed together, you should always check with your friendly orthopaedic surgeon or doctor before taking any medicines.
Next in this series :
Killing Pain - Analgesics and Anti-inflammatory medicines.